Cancellation & Refund Policy
Thank you for using PitchAI, powered by 3motionAI. The following terms are applicable for any products that you purchased with 3motionAI.
Subscriptions are a 1-year service, paid upfront or in 12 monthly installments.
Subscriptions automatically renew annually, on the anniversary date, at the then current retail price. Cancellations take effect on the next subscription renewal date (anniversary date). The account will remain active until the requested cancellation is approved and takes effect. There are no refunds for unused time.
Subscription Cancellation during the Trial Period
Cancellations are accepted anytime during the 7-day trial period and before the next billing date of the trial period.
Subscription Cancellation and Refund during the Subscription Period
After 7 days, you can cancel your subscription but there will be no refunds. We are unable to provide refunds for accounts that have been billed accurately based on your registration information and the choice of either a Coach or Player account. We do not allow any subscription switches between player and coach accounts.
Please note that when you agreed to start your subscription, the following was stated and accepted:
Your free trial begins on [Insert Date] and will end on [Insert Date]. You'll be charged $___ a year on an ____ plan starting on [Insert Date]. By selecting the "Start Your Free Trial" button, you agree that after your 7 days free trial, $___ will be charged to your payment method on a recurring basis until you cancel, effective at the end of your billing cycle. You may cancel at any time during your free trial by contacting Customer Support and will not be charged.”
We provide notices to you by e-mail advising you of the renewal of the subscription which states the following:
This is a friendly reminder that your ProPlayAI by 3motionAI Inc. subscription will automatically renew on [Insert Date] at [Insert Time] UTC. Your payment method on file will be charged at that time. If your billing information has changed, you can update your payment details now. If you have any questions, contact us at
To cancel your subscription, you must inform us of your decision by means of a clear statement. You can inform us of your decision by:
- By visiting the Contact Us section of the ProPlayAI website
- By creating a request
- By emailing us at
We will process your cancellation no later than two business days from the time you contact us. Our business support hours are from 9:00am to 5:00pm Eastern Time, Monday to Friday, excluding weekends and holidays.